Little girl at top of slide before going down

Benefits of Balance Beams for Kids

Balance beams are a fun piece of playground equipment for kids to play on, but did you know they also provide many benefits to kids’ growth, development, and motor skills? From preschool to adolescence, learn how balance beams can benefit the kids in your area.

How Are Balance Beams Good for Kids?

A kid’s balance beam provides many benefits to a growing child. Playtime is a great way to work on your kid’s physical and cognitive development. Some of the specific benefits and motor skills kids get from balance beams include:

  • Builds concentration: While on a balance beam, kids need to focus and concentrate on the task at hand to avoid falling. As they learn how to concentrate and focus, kids can apply these skills to other areas of their life, like school or listening to instructions from parents.
  • Improves coordination and muscle strength: Balancing requires engaging core muscles, which leads to kids developing their muscle strength. Balance beams make getting active fun while also developing kids’ gross motor skills.
  • Develops good posture: To balance, kids will learn to keep their back straight as they walk across the beam. Soon, keeping a straight back while walking or even sitting will become more natural and can lead to better overall posture.
  • Encourages creative play: Since balance beams themselves are pretty plain and straightforward, kids will need to use their imagination during play. Maybe they are crossing a dangerous river to find hidden treasure, or they’re a gymnast competing in the Olympics. The possibilities are endless, and kids will practice creative thinking as they come up with new stories and adventures to be had on balance beams.
  • Builds confidence: Some kids may be intimidated by a balance beam at first, but as they begin to use the structure, they’ll learn to trust themselves. They’ll also learn resilience as they get up and try again after falling off. The simple act of playing on a balance beam can teach kids to trust themselves and try new things, even if it seems scary at first.
  • Improves balance: Of course, kids will improve their balance on balance beams since that is the main purpose behind the structure. However, what is special about a balance beam is it allows kids to build on this skill in a fun, unstructured way they enjoy.

What Age Is a Balance Beam Good For?

In order for kids to use a balance beam, they must be able to stand and walk. The age kids begin to confidently walk and stand will vary by each kid.

For younger kids, or kids new to balance beams, you may want to start with wider beams, such as a stacked timber balance beam from Little Tikes Commercial. Start by holding their hands as they walk across the beam until they are comfortable doing it independently. You can move to narrower beams as your kid becomes more confident.

Older children may begin practicing more advanced balance activities, such as standing on one leg or turning. Regardless of your kid’s age, always monitor active play to ensure your kid’s safety and provide guidance when needed.

10 Balance Beam Activities for Kids

There are many ways to play and use a balance beam for kids. Both indoor and outdoor balance beams can provide kids with fun while also developing their balance, muscle strength, and more. Check out 10 different balance beam activities suitable for kids of various ages below:

1. Balance Contests

Balance contests work for both independent play and social play. Time kids as they balance on the beam — to make the task more challenging, have kids stand on one leg like a flamingo. For independent play, kids can try to beat their own record, while during social play, the last kid still balancing wins.

2. Timing

In addition to seeing how long kids can balance on the beam, challenge them to see how fast they can cross the beam without falling off. Again, this is great for independent play, where they can try to break their own record, or social play, where they try to beat other kids’ scores.

3. Walking Backward, Sideways, or Kicking

Once kids have become good at walking across the balance beam, you may need to add some extra challenges to keep them interested. Encourage them to try walking sideways across the beam, then backward, and for a real challenge, have them kick their foot up in the air before each step to really test their balance.

4. Hopping

For older kids, you can try having them hop across the balance beam. While they may be good at keeping their balance with at least one foot on the ground, hopping adds a new challenge and encourages them to continue working on their balance skills. Remind kids they don’t need to do big hops, just enough to get their feet off the balance beam.

5. Heel-to-Toe Stepping

Heel-to-toe stepping requires kids to slow down and carefully walk across the beam while emphasizing the heel-to-toe movement. For some kids, walking across the balance beam slowly may be a bigger challenge than going across quickly.

6. Balancing Items

Have kids balance items like small beanbags or books on their heads while they walk across the balance beam. It may take kids a few tries to cross the balance beam with something on their heads, which makes this activity great for entertaining and playing.

7. Different Hand Positions

Kids can also use their hands to add new challenges to the balance beam. Have them walk across with their hands on their hips, over their heads, or out to the side like a tightrope walker. Kids will learn how their hand placement can affect their balance.

8. Full Circles on the Beam

Have kids walk across the balance beam, stopping halfway to turn in a complete circle, then continuing down the beam. More turns can be added to the challenge if desired.

9. Walk on Tiptoes

Instead of normally walking on a balance beam, have kids walk on their tip toes across the beam. Changing the way they walk on the beam will make them readjust their posture and continue to improve their balance skills.

Explore Balance Beams for Kids

At Little Tikes Commercial, we offer a variety of balance beams to make play fun. From our floating balance beams to stacked timber balance beams, there are several great options to add to your local playground or park. Allow the kids in your area to experience all the fun benefits of a balance beam, and request a quote today.