Quiet Grove Equipment
Imagine a playground. Children running, rushing around to get to their next adventure. Their voices filled with excitement and giggles as they whirl around a spinner and zoom down the slide. For some children, the sights and sounds of a playground can be overwhelming. Together, with Unlimited Play, we created Quiet Grove.
Quiet Grove combines the soothing benefits of nature with sensory activities to help children alleviate stress without having to leave the playground.
Quiet Grove Equipment
Quiet Grove Equipment
Experiencing Quiet Grove
Quiet Grove has been tested to reduce the sights, sounds, and even smells that can overstimulate. It can be installed away from the playground to create a peaceful retreat to escape the hustle and bustle.
The translucent bamboo panels, leaf patterns in the roof, and the natural wood-like bench bring the benefits of nature to Quiet Grove. Here, a child can rest with a parent or caregiver to give them a secure place to refocus before heading back to play.
Quiet Grove Equipment
Quiet Grove incorporates five activities that are proven to help soothe the mind and body. They provide children time to focus and alleviate stress that overstimulation can cause. These activities are located inside and outside Quiet Grove allowing multiple children to spin, push, click, and move objects.
Quiet Grove Equipment